Adjustments 1-12-2020

Weekly board adjustments, and information
Clovis 21- add 4 new total 39
Clovis 51- no change hold 3
Amarillo 51- add 10 new total 100
Clovis 22- add 4
Clovis 51 - no change
Amarillo 51- add 10 - 7 Clovis,

Clovis engineer board 52 no change remain at 3
Clovis engineer board 22 add 4 new total 44
Amarillo engineer board 52 add 10, 3 Amarillo 7 Clovis.
New Total 118
Lubbock 4 (roster 228), Amarillo 32 (roster 221), Clovis 82 (roster 201)

******* Temporary slow order changes**********
Slow orders that would generally have a yellow and green board displayed, WILL NO LONGER BE PLACED ON PTC ACTIVE TERRITORY, all had a problem with this at the local chairman’s meeting but the carrier doesn’t give a shit they think there system is flawless which we all know is bullshit. No changes to the form B boards
********** PTC CHANGES *****************
Temporary slow orders will no longer be copied verbally, you will get a prompt on PTC screen and will be acknowledged that way
*************** REMOTE DESK AUDIT***********
They will begin another remote desk audit monitoring TO usage and throttle restriction starting JANUARY 17th
I don’t care how we distribute info but I will not be starting the bullshit text chains again, Caleb and myself talked a little yesterday about starting the crew app back up but monitoring the crap that was happening a little closer, I think we can discuss it at Tuesday’s meeting cause I’m sure we will have a turnout.
Tanner Griffitt